1 Autism Dad

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Car wash For my regular readers, I apologize for the shortage of posts lately. A lot is happening in life at the moment, most of it great, one thing bad (more on that in the near future), in addition to the usual craziness.

In the good column, C is making tremendous progress. He's beginning to speak in full, articulated sentences; he's expressing emotions (and deep affection) often; his sense of humor is boundless; he's still off oxygen; and he's more connected and present than ever.

On top of all that, I've noted a real sense of wonder about him lately; he seems genuinely curious about the world around him...not just obsessions and repetitions, but more.

I'm full of hope these days.

PS Here's an absolutely hilarious and genius post where B's dad asks the question, "Can you learn everything you need to know about my autistic son from a Slush Puppy drink?" Spoiler: the answer is yes.